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“Responsibility from second one”

Working student at albis-elcon - Interview with a student

Oliver is a student at Chemnitz University of Technology and has been working at our company since the beginning of April. Most of his time you can find him in our back office department, but he is also often found in our marketing offices. We asked him six questions about his work and wanted to know: what is it like as a working student at albis-elcon?

What do you study and what inspires you most about it?
I am studying Business Intelligence & Analytics in the Master programme at Chemnitz University of Technology and I mainly deal with the collection, processing and analysis of data – key words Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. I did my bachelor’s degree in business administration before, but I didn’t want to leave it at that. For my Master’s course, I focused on data-oriented analysis because I see a need for companies to digitize. In the end, that was also my motivator when choosing my master’s degree: I think very future-oriented and therefore wanted to expand my skills in this direction. You have to digitize to be able to meet the demands and developments of the working world today.

How did you get to albis-elcon?
The classic way about the TU Connect – a trade fair of Chemnitz University of Technology. There I got in touch with the head of the back office department at albis-elcon and he explained to me the company and his ideas about digitized work. I felt picked up right there. And in my opinion, the industry itself also has a lot of potential. I therefore wrote an application directly to better get to know the company.

And what exactly is your area of responsibility at albis-elcon now? And above all: what do you enjoy most?
I work in the area of CRM, means customer relationship management, but also support marketing and sales in some tasks. I mainly take care of the analytical evaluation of data as well as the automation and digitization of processes, and of course, I hope to be able to drive digitization at the company in perspective.
I actually have the most fun with analytical evaluation. Together with the marketing department, I started a project for tracking of online campaigns on social networks, which should optimize the entire process of data evaluation. From the concept development, through the practical implementation, to the evaluation of the results and further development of the procedure for the next campaigns, I am really enthusiastic about all the work steps.

How long are you planning to stay at albis-elcon?
For now, unfortunately, only until mid-September. After that I have to make the first preparations for writing my upcoming master thesis. Maybe there is even the possibility to write them at albis-elcon. I would definitely be happy about this.

What would you like to recommend to other students who are looking for a student job and want to start at albis-elcon?
I really enjoy my time here. albis-elcon is a very good employer for students. The tasks are very interesting and you get responsibility right from the start. I really liked that. I was able to develop very quickly and expand my knowledge. The colleagues are all super friendly and open, too. I quickly felt welcomed here.

One last question at the end: Which three words would you use to describe albis-elcon?
Clearly: digitization, progress and collegiality. 🙂


You also want to know what an internship at albis-elcon looks like? Just click here to read the article about Marie-Sophies time at our company.

4. August 2020
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