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Your career at albis-elcon
Challenges are Opportunities to develop new Initiatives

Digitalization and sustainable environmental protection, supply chain management and global sourcing, global crises and efficient results – we understand every challenge as an opportunity. Successful development of opportunities require a great team. As great team requires the best experts, talents and leader. That is the reason why we are hiring, right now.

We would like to define success as a combination of creating something that has a purpose, achieving results, aiming to become better and have fun together. If you want to contribute to our success as part of our global team, if you want to bring new ideas or implement ideas from your team we want to meet you and talk about your job and your career at albis-elcon.

New Work at albis-elcon

NEW WORK models are very exciting, bring new flexibility and more and better results.
It is also a learning process that we develop – together in the team. We try, learn and improve and use what works and makes sense.

Telecommunication networks for customers

We develop Hard- and Software, manufacture our own Hardware and provide professional services to build systems and solutions for the largest gigabit and 5G telecommunication networks in the world.

Our customers are well known telecommunication service providers and large enterprises building and operating critical communication infrastructure – including railway company and electric power providers.

Technologies for today and tomorrow

We focus on open network architectures with superior hardware performance to build reliable systems and provide value with our software centric approach.

Inhouse power supply design provides maximum efficiency.

We always focus on our climate

Our products have a life time of up to 20 years and are in use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With this requirement we carry an outstanding responsibility related to the impact of our work and products on the environment and climate.

We stand up to that responsibility, have set firm climate targets and want to be the first company to provide products that are “Climate and Emission Net Zero” for the full life cycle – and not only for the production and supply.

Job Opportunities

We are aconnic!

We are now operating under the name aconnic. Find the right job here and become part of our team:


Your Apprenticeship

Would you like an exciting and varied apprenticeship in the growth market of telecommunications? For over 20 years, we have been offering young talents various training opportunities with responsible tasks and own projects. At albis-elcon you can start your career.

You find numbers exciting! The marketing of products has long been exciting to you! You are interested in processes and organisations! Take your chance and become an all-rounder or specialist in business.

Interested? Get more information about your career start here.


You like working with electronics! Sustainable high-speed internet for fibre optic and mobile networks have fascinated you for a long time! Take your chance and work on the communication network of the future.

Interested? Get more information about your career start here.


Your dual Study Programme

Full-time studies and internships cost too much time? Then a dual study programme is the right combination! During a dual study programme you will acquire valuable knowledge from the professional and academic world. At albis-elcon you will be given responsibility and independently steer projects to success. With our many years of experience in training and studies, you will become the talent of the future.

You are eager to get involved in company processes, develop ideas and implement them! You want to take your skills in purchasing, sales or marketing to the next level and take off in the growth market of telecommunications! Take your chance and become part of the team.

Interested? Get more information about your career start here.

You want to pull the strings behind organisation and control so that production runs smoothly! You find the machining processes of electronic components and high-tech data systems exciting! Take your chance and become part of the team!

Interested? Get more information about your career start here.


You are interested in both technology and computer science! Python and C++ are programming languages for you instead of foreign languages! You want to develop the communication network of the future with its high-tech data systems! Take your chance and become part of the team!

Interested? Get more information about your career start here.

You find high-tech data systems with their software and hardware exciting! You want to provide technical support for new products from the idea to the sale! You want to make the communication network of the future more secure and sustainable! Take your chance and become part of the team!

Interested? Get more information about your career start here.  


flexible working hours
healthcare management
meal allowance
professional development
free coffee
social intranet


Are you interested in learning how…

… modern communication technology devices are developed and produced?
… electromechanical components are being purchased?
… a financial report looks like?
… marketing graphics are created?

Then go for an internship at albis-elcon and make your very own professional experiences!

albis-elcon system Germany GmbH
Human Resources
D-09232 Hartmannsdorf
Obere Hauptstraße 10

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